« Archives in May, 2011

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Sending email out on any day other than Thursday? Why?


In an article from www.zencartoptimization.com, Eric Leuenberger sites several great studies and provides some pros and cons for sending email certain days.

From him post, I’ll share the following.

Jenn Abecassis wrote an nice article that appeared in 60-Second Marketer which listed the positive aspects of семейная ипотека в Москве and negative aspects of sending email on each day of the week. I reiterated her points below and will let you determine which if any sound reasonable for your needs. I personally have not tested her theory but really think she makes some great arguments for each day with looking into.

Wednesday/Thursday -

Pros: People are planning their weekends and gearing up for personal time.
Cons: Time during the workweek is running short, and requested action may be pushed back to the following week, or even forgotten about.
Best Practice: Focus leisure and weekend notifications during these key weekend planning days.

Friday -
Pros: Studies indicate fewer total emails sent compared to the rest of the week, increasing visibility among the myriad of other messages.
Cons: People hurry to leave the office early, and may not take time to view non-work related emails.
Best Practice: Send emails early in the day to give consumers more time to take action. An unopened email from Friday will sort to the bottom of an inbox on Monday, and is often discarded.

These great points coincide with findings from our marketing research as well. GoLoco Media is a media marketing firm with a 12 year history in building audience and highly profiled opt ins for the mobile and email marketing arenas.

The image below details what some may find surprising, that being the analytics of a coupon web site. What is the relationship between a web site and an email campaign? Just about everything in some industry segments. The graphic below looks much like a heart monitor’s tracking of a heart beat, don’t you think? The regularity of the spikes coincide with Friday, week after week. This particular site is CouponMint.com. A quarterly publication with approximately 400 advertisers. The prominent spikes have to do with people hunting for a deal on Thursday and Fridays prior to making plans for the weekend.

It is our conclusion that email campaigns should be targeted specifically based on list segmentation in a perfect world and based on industry segment if at all possible. Our Coupon Mint example is an optimal one. With the benefit of analytics and web measurement we can prove our audience wants food, dining, and adventure deals on Thursday and Friday as they plan for the weekend. This information tells us our most likely open rate increases with occur on those two days.

Information like this can also serve to help you in social media strategies related to offers, engagement, exposures, and contest. Our Coupon Mint page will always feature a dining offer on Thursday and Friday.

If you have questions about your email marketing efforts, don’t hesitate to reach out on our Facebook page, Contact Us form, or any other type of communication.

Sherman Mohr is Chief Marketing Officer of GoLoco Media Group, Inc. A full service digital marketing firm based in Nashville TN.

GoLoco Media Group integrates digital marketing tools into 400 Middle Tennessee, Southern Kentucky advertising campaigns with launch of “Click, Print, and Save”



Nashville, TN May 2nd, 2011

William M. Keever, CEO of GoLoco Media Group, Inc. announced today the launch of Click, Print, and Save Email Marketing Programs. “Nashville based, GoLoco Media Group, Inc. has a 12 year track record in acquiring email and mobile audience in a highly profiled internet based program under various web site domain names.” Keever goes on to describe the company, “GoLoco has tremendous experience in building proprietary platforms designed to deliver ultimate control to the consumer. The consumer centric focus allows GoLoco to promote the aggregated audience to advertisers who in turn have access to consumers who have total control over which advertisers and genres from which they receive mobile and email advertising.

Chief Marketing Officer, Sherman Mohr, announced that the first large scale implementation of the program is taking place with advertisers who are in contract with Coupon Mint. Coupon Mint is the largest direct mail coupon publication in middle Tennessee.  The Coupon Mint Magazine is a digest size coupon publication featuring local business coupons such as restaurants, retail and personal services. Mohr states, “The Coupon Mint introduction of “Click, Print, and Save” is in keeping with where the advertising world is moving: That being digital, social, and mobile.”
Coupon Mint President, Mark Schwartz, praised the technology stating, “Our working together serves to distinguish our company from the competition by providing digital marketing tools, systems, and expertise to our database of over 1200 regional advertisers”

GoLoco Media Group grows digital marketing reach to over 400 Middle Tennessee, Southern Kentucky advertisers with purchase of Coupon Mint.



May 1st, 2011

Executives with GoLoco Media Group, Inc. announced today that it had acquired Coupon Mint, the largest direct mail coupon publication in middle Tennessee.

William M. Keever, CEO of GoLoco Media Group, Inc. announced today that Goloco had acquired Coupon Mint Magazine. “Nashville based Coupon Mint has a great reputation for providing free coupons for dining out, great services, and general merchandise in a way that is convenient and cost effective.” Coupon Mint President, Mark Schwartz praised the acquisition stating, “Our working together serves to distinguish our companies from the competition by providing digital marketing tools, systems, and expertise to its database of over 1200 regional advertisers.”

Coupon Mint started print publication and delivery of its digest size coupon magazine in 1998, and is    now the largest direct mail coupon publication in middle Tennessee. The magazine is distributed quarterly to 370,000 plus Mid-State recipients. Generally, 65% of the publication is representative of restaurant values with the remaining mix being personal services and general merchandise. Sherman Mohr, CMO of GoLoco Media Group stated, “The addition and integration of digital marketing tools such as email, SMS, banner ads, and social technologies serve to bring the average small business owner a level playing field with national competitors.”

GoLoco Media Group, Inc. is a 12 year old digital media firm with a history of building significant highly profiled email and mobile opt-in communities. GoLoco’s CEO, William M. Keever, described the purchase of Coupon Mint as the first of many traditional print publications identified as possible targets in an acquisition strategy aimed at significant audience and advertiser growth.

Sherman Mohr in conjunction with GoLoco Media launched Nashville Daily Coupons to the Middle TN market on February 5th, 2011.



Nashville, TN – February 6, 2011

Utilizing Facebook applications and an open wall, “anyone may post” philosophy, Sherman Mohr in conjunction with GoLoco Media launched Nashville Daily Coupons to the Middle TN market on February 5th, 2011. Nashville Daily Coupons will allow any business who has liked the page to post information and a link about their specials, offers, or discounts. In addition, consumers will have the ability and permission to post information concerning where they have found or purchased the best specials or received the greatest deals.

The Nashville MSA features over 1,000,000 Facebook profiles according to Facebook’s advertising engine. Nashville Daily Coupons will initially advertise for “Likes” and pursue mentions through all other forms of social media and technology. Nashville Daily Coupons will become a participating portal for the Nashville Fan Card, a prepaid Visa cash card hard wired to feature the advertisers who utilized the page at a very nominal cost.

According to Sherman Mohr, founder of the page, and Chief Marketing Officer of GoLoco Media, a national text and email digital marketing firm, the typical Facebook subscriber wants to share information, assist others, and get a great deal. The Nashville Daily Coupons page is designed to leave the consumer in complete control.

You may find the page on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/NashvilleDailyCoupons/152360711468245?v=wall

GoLoco Media Group, Inc. Creates One-of-a-Kind Agency Portal


IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 24th, 2011

Goloco Media Group, Inc. announced today that it had developed a one-of-a-kind advertising agency portal that provides businesses, agents and brokers the ability to prepare, implement, order, send, target and manage digital advertising and marketing campaigns over the web.   “The agency system is very robust and comprehensive, said Sherman Mohr, Goloco’s CMO, allowing ad agencies to implement mobile (SMS & MMS), desktop, email and internet advertising all from one dashboard, and launching each campaign immediately or on a schedule.”  “We are not aware of any other web based system that provides a  similar turnkey application for the advertising and marketing industry, said William Keever, the Company’s CEO.   The Company believes ad agencies and media brokers will all want to take advantage of the Goloco agency platform.    ”Our system eliminates the current complicated and time consuming process of ordering digital advertising.  The agent merely logs in, uploads the message and/or creative, selects the delivery channels and consumer target groups (geographic, demographic and behavioral), schedules when the campaign will run, and presses the order and confirm button.” said Keever.  “An agency can launch an ad campaign literally within minutes of receiving an ad order from their advertiser commented Joe Butler, the Goloco President and Founder.

GOLOCO Media has specialized in internet and mobile marketing for almost twelve years.  The Company’s core business was built on two primary features.  First, Goloco provides advertisers with multiple digital media channels through which to market and advertise their business.  These media channels include internet, email, desktop and mobile.  Second, unlike the majority of media companies, Goloco “brings the audience” to the advertiser.  In fact, Goloco pioneered the development of rewards based digital media related consumer networks for over a decade.    In addition to its own distribution assets, the Company also launched its agency portal and partner network allowing the Company to sell and resell advertising inventory (web, mobile, desktop & mobile) over all digital advertising channels.

The Company believes it is well positioned to accomplish several timely interrelated goals:  To provide businesses with state-of-the-art mobile advertising and marketing solutions, including mobile based text messaging and traditional email and web-browser advertising; To provide consumers with a rewards based (opt-in and verified) advertising solution allowing them full control over the what advertisements they receive on their mobile phones; To provide businesses with an ultra-targeted comprehensive local based advertising solution that includes all facets of internet and mobile advertising; To exploit additional internet and mobile applications that provide both businesses and consumers a flexible but robust platform to prepare, implement, send, receive, control, and select targeted marketing and advertisements; and, To consolidate by acquisition the small to mid-sized segments of the internet and mobile marketing industries, improving and enhancing our ability to meet the rapid growth expected in these industries.

Goloco Media Group, Inc. appoints Sherman Mohr as Chief Marketing Officer



Nashville, TN January 19, 2011

Goloco Media Group, Inc. announced today that it appointed Sherman Mohr as its new Chief Marketing Officer. Mr. Mohr is a seasoned marketing professional, having served in marketing related management positions for almost 25 years. Mr. Mohr will direct the Company’s sales and marketing plan, including the launch campaign of Goloco’s mobile advertising division.

Joe Butler, Founder and Chairman stated, “Sherman Mohr is a very skilled and experienced marketing executive that will bring a determined and aggressive approach to marketing the Company’s products and services. Mr. Mohr has been on the bleeding edge of internet and social media related marketing and will enable Goloco to expand its advertising reach to include all facets of digital media.”

Goloco Media is a leader in new digital media, including state-of-the-art mobile marketing and advertising platforms. For more information go to http://www.golocomedia.com, or call 615-264-4747.

Mobile based advertising is expected to be the fastest growing area of advertising in coming years.



Nashville, TN January 5, 2011

GoLoco Media Group, Inc.(www.golocomedia.com) (formerly MidTen Media), is a successful Eleven (11) year old internet and mobile marketing/advertising company. Our newest project, presently known in beta as Turbo Tycoon, is a proprietary rewards based mobile messaging platform developed to take advantage of the huge market developing around mobile phone advertising. This rapidly expanding market is being driven by three converging phenomenon: 1) Advent of Local Based Advertising; 2) Dramatic increased use of Smart Phones; and 3) New Opt-in Regulations for Mobile Advertising.

Mobile based advertising is expected to be the fastest growing area of advertising in the coming years. In fact, local based advertising (“LBA”) (also known as local targeted adds) is expected to be one of the key factors driving such extreme growth. Google’s recently released search engine projections stated that local based searches (and resulting local based advertising), while constituting one-third of all searches in 2010, is likely to grow to almost half of all searches over the next few years. Moreover, use of Smart Phones is expected to eclipse all other mobile phones next year, giving the majority of people the power to access more information (including marketing and advertising) than ever before.

The Mobile Marketing Association (“MMA) has just significantly revised its mobile based local advertising projections upwards, stating that they now expect dollars spent on LBA to increase dramatically from 40M in 2010 to over 3B 2011. Even more exciting are the newly published eMarketer case studies which have found that the most effective and successful business model for mobile based advertising is the opt-in rewards based mobile messaging platform.

Finally, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”) has now been extended to apply to mobile messaging, the result of which is that text advertisements may only be sent to mobile users who have given “prior express consent.” The strict opt-in requirement ensures that the less respected opt-out competitors are for all practical purposes no longer in business, leaving a huge vacuum in the mobile based advertising industry. The additional regulation is creating a dramatic convergence of an expanding vacuum in a very high growth industry.
William Keever, Goloco’s CEO, stated that “We believe we are perfectly positioned as a rewards based opt-in mobile messaging platform to take full advantage of these growing trends. Our technology has enabled us to build a scalable messaging network that can grow as rapidly as the industry. Moreover, unlike most mobile based advertising models, we monetarily reward our members every time they receive an advertisement.” William Keever continued, “Our platform also includes a unique best-of-breed advertiser portal allowing our advertisers to order, automate and coordinate their internet and mobile messaging campaigns. Businesses can literally order, pay for, and send out text, email and internet advertisements without ever calling our office. We believe this automated system will attract both large and small businesses, brokers and advertising firms, empowering each to take advantage of our rapidly growing rewards based membership.”

Finally, the full featured beta version of www.turbotycoon.com platform; as well as the Advertising Portal are fully developed and deployed, having already proven itself to be a success. In the last few weeks alone its membership base has grown over thirty percent (30%). This can be attributable to the public’s acceptance of mobile based advertising, and specifically rewards based mobile messaging.