In an article from, Eric Leuenberger sites several great studies and provides some pros and cons for sending email certain days.
From him post, I’ll share the following.
Jenn Abecassis wrote an nice article that appeared in 60-Second Marketer which listed the positive aspects of семейная ипотека в Москве and negative aspects of sending email on each day of the week. I reiterated her points below and will let you determine which if any sound reasonable for your needs. I personally have not tested her theory but really think she makes some great arguments for each day with looking into.
Wednesday/Thursday -
Pros: People are planning their weekends and gearing up for personal time.
Cons: Time during the workweek is running short, and requested action may be pushed back to the following week, or even forgotten about.
Best Practice: Focus leisure and weekend notifications during these key weekend planning days.
Friday -
Pros: Studies indicate fewer total emails sent compared to the rest of the week, increasing visibility among the myriad of other messages.
Cons: People hurry to leave the office early, and may not take time to view non-work related emails.
Best Practice: Send emails early in the day to give consumers more time to take action. An unopened email from Friday will sort to the bottom of an inbox on Monday, and is often discarded.
These great points coincide with findings from our marketing research as well. GoLoco Media is a media marketing firm with a 12 year history in building audience and highly profiled opt ins for the mobile and email marketing arenas.
The image below details what some may find surprising, that being the analytics of a coupon web site. What is the relationship between a web site and an email campaign? Just about everything in some industry segments. The graphic below looks much like a heart monitor’s tracking of a heart beat, don’t you think? The regularity of the spikes coincide with Friday, week after week. This particular site is A quarterly publication with approximately 400 advertisers. The prominent spikes have to do with people hunting for a deal on Thursday and Fridays prior to making plans for the weekend.

It is our conclusion that email campaigns should be targeted specifically based on list segmentation in a perfect world and based on industry segment if at all possible. Our Coupon Mint example is an optimal one. With the benefit of analytics and web measurement we can prove our audience wants food, dining, and adventure deals on Thursday and Friday as they plan for the weekend. This information tells us our most likely open rate increases with occur on those two days.
Information like this can also serve to help you in social media strategies related to offers, engagement, exposures, and contest. Our Coupon Mint page will always feature a dining offer on Thursday and Friday.
If you have questions about your email marketing efforts, don’t hesitate to reach out on our Facebook page, Contact Us form, or any other type of communication.
Sherman Mohr is Chief Marketing Officer of GoLoco Media Group, Inc. A full service digital marketing firm based in Nashville TN.